Cure Vaginal bv infections - Some Home treaments You Can Use To Cure BV

Get Rid of Bacterial Vaginosis - Some Home Remedies You Can Use To Treat BV

bv may be a persistent disease. vaginal bv infections is typically caused by the multiplication of the harmful bacteria in the vagina. Here are some home treaments to help you cure vaginal bv infections.

you could use grapefruit seed extract to get rid of bv. Grapefruit seed extract is used to fight viruses, parasites, bacteria. As such, it is help you treat bacterial vaginosis. Use it as a douche by diluting a teaspoon of it in two cups of water. Do not apply this directly to your vagina as it might cause allergic reactions or irritation.

One more way to treat vaginal bv infections is hydrogen peroxide. This common household antiseptic can restore normal bacterial flora and rebalance the pH of your vagina. Take 1/4 cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide and mix it with two cups of water. Use this as a douche.

Yogurt remains one of the most versatile home remedies, and is also know to get rid of bv. Yogurt has live lactobacilli that can help fight the bad bacteria in the vagina. To use it, just soak a tampon in some plain and unsweetened yogurt and insert it in the vagina.

Aside from these home treaments, good hygiene can also help you cure bacterial vaginosis.

Always use clean and dry underwear. If possible, do not wear synthetic fabrics, use cotton underwear instead. Clothes and underwear that are too tight and not breathable can aggravate your bv by trapping heat and moisture in the vaginal area.

Similar articles: Do away with Vaginal bv infections, Effective Remedies for Bv, Cures for Vaginal bv infections


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