Vagina Infections - Things You Can Do To Treat Bacterial Vaginosis And Other Vagina Infections

Vagina Infections - Things You Can Do To Treat Bacterial Vaginosis And Other Vagina Infections

Vagina Infections are quite common. Fifty to seventy five percent of women have it and most of them don’t know it.

This happens when an unusual amount of bacteria and fungi grow in and around the vaginal area. When the natural bacteria fail to produce certain acids, the protection of the vagina lowers, making it vulnerable. This shakes up the natural balance of the bacteria, thus, vagina infection occurs.

Most common vagina infections are bacterial vaginosis, thrush, trichomoniasis, Chlamydia and gonorrhea, genital warts and genital herpes.

The most common of them is bacterial vaginosis. One can simply ignore it if the symptoms are not that bad, or take antibiotics as treatment. Other vagina infections, like thrush, which is caused by fungi, are treated with anti-fungal creams. Diseases such as trichomoniasis are also treated by antibiotics but it should be noted that this disease is commonly contracted sexually; thus, the patient’s sexual partner should also be treated. Surgery is employed if warts are present. Creams and liquids are also used for genital warts. There’s no cure for genital herpes but anti-viral drugs can be prescribed to prevent the herpes from multiplying.

To reduce the risk of acquiring bacterial vaginosis or other vagina infections, always wear cotton panties and change them everyday. Don’t use perfumed soaps and/or feminine hygiene sprays. Don’t use bath oils, perfumed bubble baths, or antiseptics in the bath water. Do not use strong detergent to wash underwear. Also, don’t use vaginal douches as they interfere with the natural acidity of the vagina. And finally, do not wash around the vagina too often; doing so once a day is usually enough.

Do you want to totally do away with your recurring bacterial vaginosis and stop it from ever coming back to disturb you? If yes, then I recommend you use the tactics recommended in the: Bacterial Vaginosis Freedom manual.

Click on this link ==> bacterial vaginosis freedom, to read more about this Natural BV Cure guide, and discover how it has been helping ladies allover the world to totally get rid of their condition.

Related Articles: Bacterial Vaginosis Natural Cures, recurrent bacterial vaginosis, bacterial vaginosis freedom


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