Effective Remedies for Bv - 3 Ordinary Things You Can Do To Treat BV

Effective Remedies for Bacterial Vaginosis - 3 Ordinary Things You Can Do To Treat your bacterial vaginosis

If you have experienced pain while urinating, slight bleeding, itching and irritation, plus a foul grayish white discharge, then you might have bacterial vaginosis.


Acidophilus is the general term for various bacteria that help protect the body against harmful bacteria, parasites, and other organisms. This naturally occurs in the vagina. As such, acidophilus is one of the most natural and most effective remedies for bv. Acidophilus comes in capsule and suppository forms, but you could also use this as a douche. Just take teaspoon of acidophilus and mix it with two cups of water.


much like acidophilus, yogurt also has good bacteria in it that makes in one of the most effective remedies for bacterial vaginosis. Yogurt can assist restore the balance of the beneficial and harmful bacteria in your vagina. you may eat the yogurt, but its more effective when applied directly into the vagina. Take a tampon and soak it in yogurt, and insert to the vagina. Just make sure to use plain and unsweetened yogurt.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen Peroxide is also one of the effective remedies for bv. As an antiseptic, it works by oxidizing the bacteria and killing them. you may use hydrogen peroxide as a douche. Take 1/4 cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide, and mix with two cups of water. Do not use hydrogen peroxide that's more than 3% as it is too harsh and may cause damage to the lining of your vagina.

If none of these remedies work, then it is best to visit your family doctor for treatment.

Similar articles: Do away with Bv, Effective Remedies for Bv, Cures for Bv


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