Bv Remedies - Easy Natural Ways of Treating BV

Bacterial Vaginosis Remedies - Easy Natural Ways of Curing bv

There are several bacterial vaginosis remedies thought to be very effective. If you've bacterial vaginosis, the initial treatment to be suggested by ob-gyne is antibacterial medications. The cause of vaginal bv infections is simple and that's the over accumulation of bacteria in the vagina.

The vagina naturally has bacteria that functions as the natural barrier against infection but once the normal flora is disrupted by pH changes, other bacteria becomes present. Hence, its important for the vagina to maintain its pH.

however, in bv, this is disrupted further by antibacterial medications since it doesn't only destroy the bad bacteria but also the good bacteria as well. This is the reason why a lot of women with bacterial vaginosis look for natural, safe, and effective treatments.

Natural bacterial vaginosis remedies are easy to find. They may even be inside your house, or your kitchen. Besides being safe and effective, bacterial vaginosis remedies that are natural show long-term results because you could use it on a long-term basis. If you used the remedies effectively, chances are, you will never experience recurrent bv. So what are the natural vaginal bv infections remedies?

One popular cure for bacterial vaginosis is apple cider vinegar. it's an antiseptic, which is good for eliminating bacteria and natural acids essential for maintaining the normal vaginal pH. Besides apple cider, cranberry juice is also effective in flushing out the bad bacteria because of its diuretic effects. Consume one glass per day of cranberry juice to realize its natural treatment for bv.

Related Articles: Vaginal bv infections Remedies, Treatments for Bv, Ways to Cure Bv


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