Cures for Vaginal bv infections - Three Easy Ways To Cure And Completely Eradicate Bacteria vaginosis

Cures for Bv - Three Easy Ways To Cure And Fully Eliminate Bacterial vaginosis

vaginal bv infections is one of the most popular infections suffered by many women. There are lots of methods to combat it, and here are some of the very best cures for bv.


Yogurt remains one of the most frequent cures for bacterial vaginosis as it contains live lactobacillus, or good bacteria. Some people would recommend that you eat the yogurt, but its much more effective when used directly on the vagina. Just take a tampon and dip it yogurt. Insert this into the vagina. Remember to use yogurt that is plain and unsweetened. Yogurt restores the balance of bacteria in the vagina.


Acidophilus, helps protect the body from harmful bacteria, parasites and other organisms. As such, it proves to be one of the effective cures for bv. This is obtainable in tablet form, so you could out it directly in your vagina. you could also use as a douche by adding a teaspoon of it to two cups of water. similar to the yogurt, this can help balance the good and bad bacteria in the vagina.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil has been used in many home cures, and it proves to be just as useful as one of the cures for vaginal bv infections. Tea tree oil is a known antibacterial and it will fight the bad bacteria in your vagina. Dilute a teaspoon tea tree oil in two cups of water and use as a douche. it's vital to remember never to put this directly on your vagina as it is very potent.

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